UDAYAM, an organization of expatriates from Kerala Thrissur-Mullassery Block area has elected new office- bearers for 2012-2013. K.H.Kunjumohamed is the president and V.V Abdul Jaleel is the General Secretary. The other members in the governing body are R.V.Abdul Majeed,M.K Hamza,M.K Azeez (vice president)V.M Rafeeq and Shameer Ebrahim (Treasurer) N.P Jassim and M.M.Abdul Jaleel (Assistant Secretaries).
Other members are:
A.P.AbdulAziz,R.V.AbdulAziz,M.Akber,N.P.Ashraf,K.K.Hussain,M.N.Mohamed,V.P.Sharif,M.M.Mukthar,V.K.Rafeek,A.V.Shajhan,M.M.SakeerHussain,M.M.Shajudheen,V.P.Shamsudheen and P.A Naushad.
The election process was supervised by General Secretary N.P Ashraf.